Color Challenge Week 25 – UnMellow Yellow

For this week’s Color Challenge, I went inventory diving.  A search for “yellow” yielded this wonderful strapless top from blah Blah blah that I had picked up in The Fresh Unknown Hunt a couple of months ago.  The pants are from Piccara and I just adore the animal print.  The lovely scarf belt is from LeeZu

The hair I’m showing is a gorgeous non-mesh style from D!va and the skin is the current group gift from WoW Skins.  WoW Skin group costs $150 to join, but the gifts make it so worthwhile.  To complete the look, I chose a sunny necklace from Izzie’s and a pair of Izzie’s 70’s style sunglasses to mellow out the unmellow yellow color challenge a bit.  🙂

I’ve been searching for an online solution to crop my photos because I’m just not a Photoshop girl, although I am trying valiantly to learn and am progressing…. slowly, lol.  I decided to give a whirl and WOW… it is perfect for me!  I cropped the photo and darkened the edges slightly.  The tools are so easy to use and I highly recommend it to anyone who finds PS overwhelming at times. 🙂


Top: blah BLAH blah –  Glimmer Top Yellow (No LM) (The Fresh Unknown Hunt Prize)
Pants:  Piccara – Black Wild Pants
Hair:  D!va – Shizuka in Citrine
Skin: WoW Skins – Adele (Group Gift)
Belt:  LeeZu – Cortez Belt
Necklace:  Izzie’s – Long Flower Neclace in yellow
Sunglasses:  Izzie’s – 70’s Sunglasses
Pose:  Ampersand