It Isn’t Easy Being Princess

It really isn’t easy being a princess… finding the perfect gown, the perfect crown, the perfect jewelry… wait a minute!  It IS easy being a princess in SL!

The lovely everso soft pink mesh gown I am wearing is a current item from Furore featured at the Acid Lily Gallery (and only $65L I might add!)  My crown is from Donna Flora’s set of Sissy Crowns… yes, I bought the fatpack.  A girl can never have too many crowns!

My hair is from D!va and was actually a free lucky board prize.  Speaking of free… my earrings are also a free gift from Donna Flora, available in the shop!

My skin is from Belleza, Lily in Tan.  I’m wearing eyes from IKON’s Horizon collection… in the most perfect shade of Pale Blue.

Thanks to some really fabulous designers, I look AND feel like a princess today… and that makes me very happy! 🙂


Gown:  Furore – MESH Promgown (Acid Lily Gallery)
Crown:  Donna Flora – Sissy Crown in Pink
Earrings:  Donna Flora – Pasqualina Earrings (Free in Shop!)
Hair:  D!va – Senri in Ruby
Skin:  Belleza – Lily V2 in Tan
Eyes:  IKON – Horizon Eyes in Pale Blue
Lashes:  DAMNED – My Perfect Lashes
Poses:  Glitterati
Windlight:  JuicyBomb – Gogo Hearts SL