G Field & Amacci Gifts Galore!

I have some wonderful Halloween gifts to tell you about today!  First is this lovely black and purple gown from G Field!  It actually comes in two versions, the purple that I’m showing in the photos, and an orange version.  It comes complete with the spider choker.

I’m wearing three group gifts from Amacci. the skin, hair, and eyes!  The hair comes in several color variations to help you achieve just the right look.  The skin is a pale tone and features silvery makeup.  The eyes are a lovely shade of winter. 🙂

Photos were taken in front of a haunted house that I built along with my friend, Renaee Avindar as part of the Spooky Dreams/Building on the 1024 competition.  Voting is open and feel free to drop a few lindens into our sign.  Proceeds go to help keep the Dreams sim open and the monthly building contests going.


Gown:  G Field – 2011 Halloweeen Dress Purple (Free Gift)
Shoes:  Mstyle – Goshi Pumps Black
Necklace:  G Field – Spider Choker (Free Gift)
Earrings:  Inca Temple -Laoris Fairy Earrings
Hair:  Amacci – Nami in Night + Orange (Group Gift)
Skin:  Amacci – Liane (Goth) – Silver Tattoo 2 (Group Gift)
Eyes:  Amacci – Winter Image Eyes (Group Gift)
Lashes:  DAMNED – My Perfect Lashes
Poses:  Del May
Location:  Dreams

Color Challenge Week 33 – Tyrian Purple

According to Wikipedia, Tyrian Purple, also known as Royal Purple, is a purple-red dye that is extracted from snails.  It was prized by the ancients because the color became more intense with age rather than fading. 🙂

I knew there was a reason I liked snails… 😉

It is a beautiful color and I had fun hunting just the right outfit for Luna’s challenge.  Thank you Luna for creating this wonderful and educational challenge!


Top:  The Sea Hole – Latour Blouse – Ripe 2
Pants:  ALEIDA – Izabella croco pants – black (Closed)
Earrings:  Inca Temple – Laoris Fairy Earrings
Hair:  Wasabi Pills – Gloria Mesh Hair in chocolate
Skin:  Ricielli – Marion Skin in Pale 03 (Ricielli Glamour Hunt)
Lipstick:  Ricielli – LIPSTICKS 05 / 11 (Ricielli Glamour Hunt)
Eyes:  IKON – Horizon Eyes in Pale Blue
Lashes:  Al Vulo! – Mesh Lashes
Piano:  Bazaar (Closed)
Windlight:  Bright2

A Little Bird Told Me

A little bird told me there was a hunt going on at Ruxy Designs and I tp’d over to find it was indeed true!

There are 10 sweet little birds hidden around the shop and each one contains a free fabulous gift from Ruxy Designs.  I’m wearing the gift inside the #1 bird, a gorgeous green and magenta gown that swirls magnificently as I twirl around.  🙂

I added Vanity Hair’s Sunset Blvd in brown, a sophisticated mesh style that I love.  My skin is from League, and my eyes are Amacci’s Forest Eyes.  My earrings are the Laoris Elven Fairy earrings from Inca Temple.

I just love little birds… don’t you? 🙂

Taxi to Ruxy Designs  (Hurry… hunt ends August 4th!)


Gown:  Ruxy Designs
Earrings:  Inca Temple – Laoris Elven Fairy Earrings
Hair:  Vanity Hair – Sunset Blvd. in Brown
Skin:  League – Jen in Deep Tan
Eyes:  Amacci – Forest Eyes
Lashes:  DAMNED – My Perfect Lashes
Pose:   !Bang
Windlight:  Juicybomb – Gogo Hearts SL