A Little Bird Told Me

A little bird told me there was a hunt going on at Ruxy Designs and I tp’d over to find it was indeed true!

There are 10 sweet little birds hidden around the shop and each one contains a free fabulous gift from Ruxy Designs.  I’m wearing the gift inside the #1 bird, a gorgeous green and magenta gown that swirls magnificently as I twirl around.  🙂

I added Vanity Hair’s Sunset Blvd in brown, a sophisticated mesh style that I love.  My skin is from League, and my eyes are Amacci’s Forest Eyes.  My earrings are the Laoris Elven Fairy earrings from Inca Temple.

I just love little birds… don’t you? 🙂

Taxi to Ruxy Designs  (Hurry… hunt ends August 4th!)


Gown:  Ruxy Designs
Earrings:  Inca Temple – Laoris Elven Fairy Earrings
Hair:  Vanity Hair – Sunset Blvd. in Brown
Skin:  League – Jen in Deep Tan
Eyes:  Amacci – Forest Eyes
Lashes:  DAMNED – My Perfect Lashes
Pose:   !Bang
Windlight:  Juicybomb – Gogo Hearts SL